Employer Branding and the Path of Brand Development
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In the past two decades, it has become increasingly important in our country that, in addition to the use of traditional HR tools, organizations also employ new methods, tools, and strategies to attract the potential workforce they need and retain their current employees. The advent of digitalization and artificial intelligence has created further opportunities for the development of this field. We aimed to analyse the definition and evolution of employer branding and brand building. According to the results, employer branding offers advantages that can present the organization in an attractive light. Employer branding is a continuous value-creating activity that leads to the acquisition of talented employees, retention of excellent staff, reduction of turnover, and minimization of related costs. After the concept of employer branding emerged, it took a relatively long time to develop its definition, which was driven by the tightening labour supply. The Y generation, entering the labour market, has significantly influenced the shaping of employer branding through digitalization, and today, the emergence of artificial intelligence marks further progress due to its personalized opportunities.
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