Burrow densities of Eurasian badger (Meles Meles) and red fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in Börzsöny mointains

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Mihály Márton
Ferenc Markolt
László Szabó
Miklós Heltai


Due to their common spread in Hungary, Eurasian badger (Meles meles) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) play key role in most Hungarian communities' life, and have decisive importance in both of wildlife management and nature conservation. Thus, development of a biologically well based carnivore management for these species is a relevant task that requires to getting to know their population statuses and to tracking the changes of these statuses. Our study aim was to verify the accuracy of stripe transect method that is commonly used for estimating burrow densities of carnivores, in a hilly area, that has always been a habitat for both of these two species. We were looking for answer to how the estimated burrow densities of the study area are related to data of countywide questionnaires, and to results of other, similarly detailed surveys. Burrow estimation was done in February 2011, and complete counting in January, February, and March of 2012. Our results showed 20.0% underestimation of Eurasian badger, and 2.2% overestimation of red fox burrows. Comparing to similarly detailed surveys, burrow density of badger in Börzsöny is equivalent to results from hilly areas, whilst definitely exceeds the level of densities on plain habitats. Red fox burrow density of the study area is multiple of the countrywide mean value that may refer to a remarkable systematic underestimation by wildlife managers. Our data, which are based on detailed assessment, show reliable burrow density values and offer a feasible method for practitioners.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Márton, Mihály, Ferenc Markolt, László Szabó, és Miklós Heltai. 2013. „Burrow Densities of Eurasian Badger (Meles Meles) and Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in Börzsöny Mointains”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):79-84. https://analecta.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13286.
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