Researches regarding the response of some biotypes of Coriandrum Sativum L. under the pedoclimatic conditions in the South/Western Romania
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The researches were carried out on a moderate gleyed aluvisoil in Bârzava Water Meadow (Lunca Bârzavei),
an area where the average annual precipitations is of 630 mm and the average air temperatures of 10.8 ˚C.
The studies varieties were Sandra and Omagiu from Romania, the Aromat variety from Republic Moldavia
and the variety Provenienţa de Voivodina from Serbia. This paper contains data regarding the influence of
the seeding period on the crop, on the volatile oil content and on the volatile oil production. As regarding the
influence of the seeding period on crops, the results obtained for all varieties reveal a crop decreasing
tendency if the seeding is done later, as compared to the results obtained when the seeding was done at the
beginning of March. The richest crop was of 1451 kg/ha and was obtained for the variety Aromat, seeded in
the period March 1 to march 5, a variety which also gave the highest content of volatile oil, which is 1.17 %
and the highest production of volatile oil, which is 17.21 kg/ha.
an area where the average annual precipitations is of 630 mm and the average air temperatures of 10.8 ˚C.
The studies varieties were Sandra and Omagiu from Romania, the Aromat variety from Republic Moldavia
and the variety Provenienţa de Voivodina from Serbia. This paper contains data regarding the influence of
the seeding period on the crop, on the volatile oil content and on the volatile oil production. As regarding the
influence of the seeding period on crops, the results obtained for all varieties reveal a crop decreasing
tendency if the seeding is done later, as compared to the results obtained when the seeding was done at the
beginning of March. The richest crop was of 1451 kg/ha and was obtained for the variety Aromat, seeded in
the period March 1 to march 5, a variety which also gave the highest content of volatile oil, which is 1.17 %
and the highest production of volatile oil, which is 17.21 kg/ha.
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How to Cite
Ignat, Evodia Sidonia, and David Gheorghe. 2013. “Researches Regarding the Response of Some Biotypes of Coriandrum Sativum L. Under the Pedoclimatic Conditions in the South/Western Romania”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):263-68.