Published: 2019-09-15

The Role of Online Marketing in Increasing Consumer Confidence at the Domestic Food Market

Fanni Ildikó Fodor, Balázs Máté, Gergő Thalmainer, Bernadett Almádi


Food Distribution and Saving in Hungary

Emese Makányné Kis, József Gál


Development Trends of the Baking Industry in Our Days

P. Balázs Szabó, Zita Boglárka Zakupszki


Examination of Chip Production Chain

Katalin Szakálosné Mátyás, Attila László Horváth, Róbert Bácsai, Andrea Vágvölgyi


Impact of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sewage Sediment on Plant Morphological Parameters of Sudan Grass Hybrid, Grown in a Pot Experiment

Katalin Irinyiné Oláh, Judit Csabai, Edit Kosztyuné Krajnyák, Csilla Tóth, Zsuzsanna Uri, Szabolcs Vigh, György Vincze, László Simon
