Survey of Enzymes Known in the Field of Food Intolerance
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According to people's own admission and according to popular belief, nowadays there are more and more people suffering from digestive problems caused by food intolerance, including lactose intolerance or enzyme deficiency. The purpose of this study is to review the scope of the food allergy-food intolerance issue, focusing on a small group sample to assess whether the problem exists among the respondents, whether it is necessary to enter enzymes in the organizer to break down the nutrients, and which foods are a problem. The results confirm that special dietary needs lead to special product offerings. Where the question arises, is it really (also) the distant future that the market for milk sugar, gluten and egg-free products is growing, or in terms of product development, is it possible to innovate such that our former products are effective in a given location, with a given operational provider do they contain enzymes or tolerating factors? Based on the yellow data, the study mentions certain diets and the use of special diets. He just keeps in mind that an unnecessary restrictive diet is a psychological problem, a deterioration in the quality of life, or even a lack of it.
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