Pilot Research on Businesses Starting From the Possibility of Using a Management Framework System

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Balázs Darnai
József Gályász
Krisztina Dajnoki


In our country, many sole proprietorships and partnerships have been established until the legislative change in 2022. The downside of this trend is that three-quarters of the 100,000 new businesses that start up each year do not survive their first two years, but this is not an exclusively domestic problem, as the situation is similar in many European countries. The question arises as to what the reasons for this might be: competitiveness problems, inadequate operating environment, management or management capability problems, or a lack of long-term thinking. There is also the question of whether and how the causes can be measured appropriately. This research aims to create a self-assessment model to assess the organisational characteristics of start-ups and identify areas for improvement. The authors used the recently revised EFQM 2020 model, which provides a management framework for managing change and improving performance. The study attempts to validate the criteria of the model specifically for, fledgling entrepreneurs. The research involved 22 start-ups through a personal questionnaire survey to validate the criteria of the model. The results showed that, although the overall criteria of the model are valuable, their complexity may hinder their practical application for small start-ups. An adapted, simplified self-assessment model was therefore developed, which improved applicability and understanding by incorporating feedback and simplifying terminology. This simplified model retains the original structure of the EFQM 2020 model but adapts it to the specific context of fledgling entrepreneurs so that it can become a practical tool for assessing and improving the organisational performance of new businesses.


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How to Cite
Darnai, Balázs, József Gályász, and Krisztina Dajnoki. 2024. “Pilot Research on Businesses Starting From the Possibility of Using a Management Framework System”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 19 (3-4):65-77. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2024.3-4.65-77.
Business and management


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