Study on the Potential of Three Strawberry Varieties in Organic Farming Using Straw Cover

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Krisztina Madaras
László Csambalik
Péter Pusztai


The use of a properly selected soil cover can have many benefits in strawberry production: in addition to retaining water and suppressing weeds, it can reduce the need for synthetic chemicals, which are not allowed in organic farming. Besides soil covering, well-considered choice of variety is also a crucial element of successful organic strawberry production. The outdoor experiment started on our certified organic experimental farm in the autumn of 2017 with a strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) test plant. The raised beds were covered 10 cm layer of cereal straw – originated from the same farm, which, as organic mulch, is well suited to the idea of organic farming. Three varieties bred in different countries, 'Clery', 'Honeoye' and 'Kortes', were tested for two years (2018 and 2019). We examined earliness, average yield per plant, average shoot fresh weight per plant, average berry size and average number of berries per plant of the varieties with straw cover. ‘Clery' was the earliest to ripen and had the largest berry size of the three varieties studied in both years, but underperformed in terms of number of fruits. 'Honeoye' had the highest average number of berries per plant in the main fruiting year (2019). The analysis of average shoot fresh weight per plant showed that 'Kortes' produced significantly smaller foliage than the other two varieties in both years. No significant difference was found in the amount of non-marketable fruits among the varieties. Overall, 'Clery' with attractive, bright red large berries and 'Honeoye' with high yield and strong shoot growth can be a good choice, while 'Kortes' performed less well in several measured parameters and is therefore less suitable for organic production.


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How to Cite
Madaras, Krisztina, Izóra Gál, László Csambalik, and Péter Pusztai. 2023. “Study on the Potential of Three Strawberry Varieties in Organic Farming Using Straw Cover”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):287-97.
Author Biographies

Krisztina Madaras, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Vidékfejlesztés és Fenntartható Gazdaság Intézet, Agroökológiai és Ökológiai Gazdálkodási Tanszék (Gödöllő)

tanszéki munkatárs

Izóra Gál, MATE

egyetemi docens

László Csambalik, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Vidékfejlesztés és Fenntartható Gazdaság Intézet Agroökológiai és Ökológiai Gazdálkodási Tanszék (Gödöllő)

tudományos munkatárs

Péter Pusztai, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Vidékfejlesztés és Fenntartható Gazdaság Intézet, Agroökológiai és Ökológiai Gazdálkodási Tanszék (Gödöllő)

egyetemi docens


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