Inertia System for Converting Back-and-forth Motion on a Semicircular Track Into Unidirectional Linear Motion

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Attila Gerőcs
Elena Stela Wisznovszky
Andrei Komjaty


This inertial system is made up of a piston of mass m which is driven to move along a semi-circular trajectory, a trajectory ensured by the cavity of a curved pipe following a semicircle, according to a law of motion commanded by a force cylinder with the help of a driven cam. by an engine. In this way the system is the ability of a traction force that makes possible the one-way movement of a vehicle on which this system is mounted.


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How to Cite
Gerőcs, Attila, Elena Stela Wisznovszky, and Andrei Komjaty. 2023. “Inertia System for Converting Back-and-Forth Motion on a Semicircular Track Into Unidirectional Linear Motion”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):173-82.
Author Biographies

Attila Gerőcs, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Gépészeti Intézet (Szeged)

főiskolai docens

Elena Stela Wisznovszky , Aurel Vlaicu Aradi Egyetem Mérnöki Kar (Arad)

egyetemi oktató

Andrei Komjaty, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Gépészeti Intézet (Szeged)

főiskolai docens


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