Homeland security and pasture based farming

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Andras Halasz


Self-sufficient agriculture is a corner stone in national economy. Sustainability, low external-input technology and nature reservation are all parts of Agro-SMEs’ (small and medium enterprises) activities. Building decision support database, introducing heat tolerant cultivars and breeds, directing farm products straight to the consumers and taking all the opportunities what space industry offers are all parts of secure food production.     

Hungarian Grassland Management Database is being built with national cooperation. Remote sensing and on farm data collection are used. Survey data set and decision support system help to evade forage- and supplement shortages, also protect short food chains from halting.

Heat resistant and low water-consuming animals could be a natural response to climate change and droughts.

European small and medium stakeholders have serious concerns about MERCOSUR and Green Deal. Direct trade allows farmers to negotiate better prices with consumers and processors. Locally processed meat, milk and wool need to be integrated into national commercial activity.

CubeSat technology is an economical solution to test new plant cultivars, materials or life support systems. Mini space labs are available for every farmers or small enterprises, therefore custom products can be developed.

Article Details

Hogyan kell idézni
Halasz, Andras. 2022. „Homeland Security and Pasture Based Farming”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 11 (1-2):157-60. https://doi.org/10.14232/rard.2022.1-2.157-160.

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