Published: 01/05/2024

Composting of distillery spent wash

Lara Rúbia Borges Silva, Levente Kardos


Description of the Characteristic Soil Profiles and Indication of the Degree of Sheet Erosion in Verpelét

Anna Dobos, Tamás Péter Hegyi, Dániel László Bujtor, Zsófia Tolnai, Balázs Hegyi


Urban Geomorphology and Environmental Problems in Poti River Plain in Crateús, Northeast Brazil

Francisco Leandro Costa Soares, Vanda Claudino-Sales, Francisco Diones Oliveira Silva, Adriano Luis Heck Simon


Identification and Landscape Pattern Analysis of Peri-Urban Areas

A Case Study of Budapest, Hungary

Zhen Shi, Xinyu Wang, Manshu Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Krisztina Filepné Kovács
