Use of Waste, Processing the Theme of Circular Economy in School with the Help of Recycling Clothes
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The pedagogy of environmental education and sustainability has long been an important part of children's education both worldwide and in Hungary. We have been aware of our planet's problems for decades, and finding solutions to them is an increasingly pressing issue. The pedagogy of environmental education and sustainability aims to target these questions during the education of children. In Hungary, these goals are mostly to be achieved with the help of natural science subjects and with the sustainability subject, which can be chosen as an independent matriculation subject from September 2022. The subject of sustainability is still taught in a few institutions. However, the issue of sustainability and the lessons associated with it have been supported by the program called Sustainability Theme Week since 2016. A lesson plan by Dominik Máté Fabula that was created during a public tender they announced is also the basis of the present work, which is about the reuse and recycling of clothes based on a circular economy. The students, learning the difference between the linear and circular economy, must work out the possibilities of recycling clothes in group work. In our study, we will present the possibility of implementing the lesson plan, possible practical changes, and experiences after implementation.
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