The Relationship Between the Ecological Network and the Water System in the Carpathian Basin Finding a Way for Sustainable Land Use
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In our research we dealt with the relationship between the water system (including both the groundwater bodies and the surface waters), the ecological network and land use. Our primary goal was to compare the agricultural suitability to conservation areas, which can provide a framework for sustainable land use in a national-international scale. Our research took place in the Carpathian basin, so that we could observe broader, more comprehensive correlations between the researched aspects at the water catchment area.
We explored the landscape and environmental features of the Carpathian Basin and then analyzed them with the help of GIS methods. We analyzed three different feature categories: the first aspect was water presence and protection, the second was the current land cover, and the third was the Natura 2000 network as a habitat-system and biodiversity protection element. Data collection was obstructed by the fact that the catchment-based study area belongs to 9 countries, only a part of which are EU member states, so we could not rely on EU databases (e.g. CORINE land cover). Based on the available data, we performed GIS analyses, which revealed the common values and dilemmas of the three different aspects.
Based on our results, it was possible to define the areas that adapt to the landscape function but are primarily suitable for cultivation (either arable land, grassland or forestry), the habitats that are sensitive from a natural point of view, and the transitional areas located between them. Our results suggest that the management between these two fields are not cooperating currently. Agricultural land could play a significant role in the joint development in the future, since these areas struggle with both floods and droughts and also with maintaining biodiversity.
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Funding data
Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap
Grant numbers ÚNKP-23-3
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