Work Dependency Research in the Field of Management
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The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the phenomenon of work addiction in an organisational context. Research on work addiction approaches the phenomenon mostly from a psychological perspective, but the state of work addiction has a great impact on both the employee and the organization. The emergence of work addiction in an organisation can have a major impact on performance, efficiency, commitment, and the ability to establish and maintain a work-life balance. Thus, it was considered important to review the results of research on work addiction in the field of management. Following the PRISMA procedure, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the external factors associated with work addiction in the field of management. Nearly 250 publications were selected and reviewed, and the findings of the eleven most closely related articles are summarised in order to bring us closer to research on work addiction in the field of management and to contribute to the identification of future research directions. Our results show that the most researched area is that of occupational health and engagement, but we are not overwhelmed by the number of studies that show the relationship between generational processes and the phenomenon of turnover in relation to work addiction.
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