Implementation of a Collaborative Function on a Four Degrees of Freedom Robot Arm

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Dávid Kóczi
Mihály Jernei
József Sárosi


A wide range of applications exist where workspaces are shared with humans by collaborative robots, making it important for them to be able to work safely together. The robotic arm has been designed and built with four degrees of freedom and rotary joints. It can react to unexpected external forces and collisions during movement by measuring motor current. The robotic arm components have been 3D printed, and the joints are driven by digital RC servo motors. The control interface is provided by two Arduino microcontrollers, and the control is executed through a graphical user interface developed in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment. Various measurements were performed on the collaborative robot arm to assess how the implemented device and collaborative function meet the preliminary expectations. The tests focused on impact direction determination, reaction time, impact forces, positioning accuracy, and the load capacity of the robotic arm. The measurements showed that the robot is capable of collaborative operation within given limits. The usability of the system and its potential for further development were evaluated.


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How to Cite
Kóczi, Dávid, Mihály Jernei, and József Sárosi. 2023. “Implementation of a Collaborative Function on a Four Degrees of Freedom Robot Arm”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):247-58.
Author Biographies

Dávid Kóczi, Szegedi Tudományegyetem - Mérnöki Kar


Mihály Jernei, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

mechatronkai mérnök MSc-hallgató

József Sárosi, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

egyetemi tanár, stratégiai és fejlesztési dékánhelyettes


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