Analysis of Quality Deterioration of Paprika Powders Made Using Small Factory or Home Technology During Storage

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Zsuzsanna Dr. Horváth


The aim of our research was to analyse how the colour agent content and colour characteristics of home-made paprika powders change under different storage conditions. We performed our measurements on 17 different paprika powders. The different quality paprika powder samples were stored in fridge, at room temperature using transparent packing and at room temperature packed in tinfoil, the colour agent content and colour characteristics of samples was measured through 10 months. The colour agent content was measured in accordance with the MSZ EN ISO 7541:2010 standard. To characterize the colour were used the L*, a*, b* color coordinates interpreted in the CIE Lab colour space, the colour measurement was performed with a HunterLab MiniScan XE PLUS spectrum-based colour measuring device. The analysis of the dye content data showed that the dye content gradually decreases during storage, and the degree of decrease is significantly influenced by the storage method. There is no significant difference between the grinds stored in dark and light places, while the loss of dye content was significantly lower in the case of samples stored in the refrigerator. The analysis of the change in colour characteristics showed a similar trend. The colour difference values calculated between the initial colour coordinate values and those measured during storage showed that the greatest colour change was characteristic of those ground products that were processed together with chum. In the case of refrigerator storage, in most cases the colour difference was not or only barely noticeable, while the change was clearly visible in the case of the other two storage methods. The colour of the grinds became paler, lighter, and less red.


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How to Cite
Dr. Horváth, Zsuzsanna. 2023. “Analysis of Quality Deterioration of Paprika Powders Made Using Small Factory or Home Technology During Storage”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):221-30.
Author Biography

Zsuzsanna Dr. Horváth, SZTE Mérnöki Kar

egyetemi docens


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MSZ EN ISO 7541:2010 Fűszerpaprika-őrlemény. Az összes természetes színezőanyag-tartalom meghatározása.