Brands, Colours, Illusions

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Márta Paraszt
János Papp


In the case of selective distortion characteristic of customer behavior, the consumer interprets the information obtained about the product in accordance with his expectations. As a result, judgments about a product may conflict with its true parameters. We can pick up an article from the shelf in the shop, entrusting it with better qualities - just because it has a more beautiful color or just because we have seen the brand name more often. We may suppose or feel the taste of a more renowned brand or a more deliciously-served food. So we can be "prejudiced" eg. based on brand or packaging color. Stereotypes accelerate our decisions, value judgments, and similar processes in brand selection.
With the help of tests on energy drinks at the Faculty of Agricultural and Economic Studies of Szent István University, we have confirmed that both brands and "packaging" (their color) affect the respondents. The responses have shown that the more well-known and well-positioned products are considered more delicious, and the respondents liked the drinks served in their preferred color glasses.


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How to Cite
Paraszt, Márta, and János Papp. 2019. “Brands, Colours, Illusions”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (2):193-204.
Economic and organizational sciences