The Effect of Different Agrotechnical Factors on Wheat Flour's Breadmaking Quality

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Zoltán Magyar
Péter Pepó
Tiborné Bakos
Ernő Gyimes


During the experiments, we studied the effect of different forecrops (sweet corn, sunflower) and artificial fertilizers (control, N90PK, N150PK) on three Hungarian winter wheat genotypes. The values of baking-tests varied between 705-940 cm3. Fertilizing significantly increased the loaf volume compared to control samples. Loaf’s form ratio (LFR), valorigraphic quality number (VQN), crude protein (CP) and wet gluten content (WG) were significantly increased by both fertilizer dosages. Sweet corn as a forecrop significantly increased the LFR, VQN, CP and WG values compared to sunflower. Cultivar x fertilizing interaction had a significant effect on VQN and LFR. Studying the results of Pearson’s correlation analysis that can be stated, fertilizing was in strong positive correlation with CP, WG, VQN and medium positive with LFR (0,581**). Loaf volume and loaf’s form ratio were in medium positive correlation with VQN (0,547**), WG (0,609**) and CP (0,663**). Our results proved that, the parameters of baking-tests are significantly affected by cultivars, forecrops and fertilizing.


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How to Cite
Magyar, Zoltán, Péter Pepó, Tiborné Bakos, and Ernő Gyimes. 2019. “The Effect of Different Agrotechnical Factors on Wheat Flour’s Breadmaking Quality”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (2):73-78.
Agricultural and food siences