Stirling Engine Modeling
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This article describes a numerical method for calculating thermodynamic processes in Stirling machines. The flow of the fluid is modeled as a one-dimensional, stationary, non-isotropic gas flow. The process in the Stirling machine is described by a partial differential equation system consisting of motion, continuity, and energy equation, which is solved by the characteristic method. The preparation of the initial and boundary conditions for the solution is described in detail and system of equations describing the interconnection of each space. A specific calculation example is also provided to prove the applicability of the method.
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Károly Marcell, Károly Marcell, Ákos Pozsa, Tamás Illés, Sándor Tollár, Béla Tolvaj, and Péter Bencs. 2019. “Stirling Engine Modeling”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 14 (1):87-98.
Technical and information sciences