Gazdasági és kereskedelmi fejlődés a világban Kína Afrika térképén

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Szilvia Erdeiné Késmárki-Gally
György Iván Neszmélyi


The economic globalization is a comprehensive process which has almost fully re-arranged the map of our world’s economy by the 21st century. China successfully took this opportunity as in the course of the recent three decades, since the beginning of her opening policy, her economy has gone through incredible changes. The relationship between China and the sub-Saharan African countries - based principally on mutual economic benefits - can be considered perhaps as one of the most peculiar nowadays. Therefore, the Authors wished to examine the characteristics of this relationship in depth.


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How to Cite
Erdeiné Késmárki-Gally, Szilvia, and György Iván Neszmélyi. 2018. “Gazdasági és Kereskedelmi fejlődés a világban: Kína Afrika térképén”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 13 (1-2):151-67.
Társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok térbeli vetületei