Development of an Excel VBA Form for the Evaluation of One-sample T-tests

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György Hampel


Using Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Excel, we designed a user-friendly interface for performing a one-sample t-test. Thus, even without knowledge of the use of the Excel spreadsheet, it is possible to perform one of the most common hypothesis tests, the t-test. All you have to do is open the completed application and in the window that appears, you will get the results after setting the required data and options. The program provides easy operation with controls, while the operation is designed with event-driven programming techniques. The results can be obtained from the data set of the fed sample, but also from the main characteristics of the sample, the number of items, the mean and the standard deviation. When specifying the hypothesis to be examined, any relation can be used, and depending on this, we obtain the results automatically as one of the doubleedged or single-edged cases. Using the application, we can perform the one-sample t-test without mathematical statistical knowledge and statistical software package.


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How to Cite
Hampel, György. 2021. “Development of an Excel VBA Form for the Evaluation of One-Sample T-Tests”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 16 (3-4):65-75.
Digitalization and IT application