Divatról alkotott vélemény a divat szakmában, illetve a nem divat szakmában dolgozók körében

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Margit Csipkés
János Jávor


We have chosen a phenomenon of our research that is present in our everyday life, it is constantly circulating, contributes more to economic development, but it deals with little of it. This phenomenon is nothing but fashion. Our main objective was to make a parallel between those who work in the fashion world and those who are not in fashion. We were curious about their shopping habits and how the two groups think about our questions. With this research, I would like to highlight the complexity of the topic and the fact that besides marketing there are still a lot of disciplines dealing with fashion. Research work reflecting the importance of that in Hungary, very little attention is paid to the topics related to observations, while more and more enmeshed lives and the economy alike. Our research started during we have seen that the fashion consumption in the case of many kinds of influence must be taken into account.


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How to Cite
Csipkés, Margit, and János Jávor. 2017. “Divatról Alkotott vélemény a Divat szakmában, Illetve a Nem Divat szakmában dolgozók körében”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):137-57. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.4.137-157.