Magyarország vasúti infrastruktúrájának alakulása Trianon és a Bécsi döntések tekintetében
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The 4th of June 1920. dictated peace of Trianon's forced onto Hungary the borders and developed structures were 1938 between 1941 they changed again as a result of feedbacks.
The railway system forming Hungary's traffic spine played a deciding role in the form-ing of the borderlines, his planning. The regional directions between 1920-1947, border modifications at the same time not Hungary meant his changes to his railway system only. The railway infrastructure changed it in a big measure and not in a last row the service staffs situation.
Present lecture shows it the border changes background caused by, the railway infra-structure presents his establishment, with a strange look onto the employees' situation.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Miszlay, Zsolt. 2009. „Magyarország Vasúti infrastruktúrájának alakulása Trianon és a Bécsi döntések tekintetében”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 4 (3-4):236-41.
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