Comparative study on the improvement of the gas exchange process efficiency of a high speed IC engine using swinging valve




IC engine, swinging valve, poppet valve, flow test, 0D/1D engine simulation


Using poppet valves to control the air-fuel mixture entering and leaving the combustion chamber of an engine is just one among many other more flow efficient alternative solution. The geometry of the poppet valve and its valve seat are the main causes of the flow restriction in the internal combustion engines. The engine downsizing concept dictates to obtain more power from a given engine volume, therefore proportionally more air should be drawn into the cylinders to burn more fuel. These criteria best fulfilled with a new Swinging Valve (SwV) solution that enables the unhindered flow of air and exhaust gas through an engine’s cylinder. The filling of a cylinder is improved while the pumping losses are decreased.

In this experiment, a Super Flow SF600 flow bench was used to examine a Suzuki SV650 motorcycle engine’s normal poppet valve cylinder head and a Swinging Valve cylinder head was constructed as well. First the flow parameters of the original cylinder head were obtained then the Swinging Valve head was investigated in the same way. The outcomes of the tests show the superiority of the new concept. The results will also be the base of further 0D/1D engine simulations.


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How to Cite

Kovacs, L., & Szabo, S. (2019). Comparative study on the improvement of the gas exchange process efficiency of a high speed IC engine using swinging valve. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 13(2), 28–37.




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