The physiological effects of fish consumption

Why should we consume fish on a regular basis?


  • Eszter Ács Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar
  • Brigitta Zsótér



fish consumption, health, omega 3 fatty acid


Fish contains nutrients which are essential for our organism, vitamins (for example: A; B1; B2; D), minerals and various unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example: Omega 3 fatty acid). The latest cannot be produced by our organism, but indispensable to its normal operation. There is literature on its various effects on the brain, immune system, and it is widely known that it plays a significant role in preventing cardiovascular diseases, since due to its anti-inflammatory effect it is able to cure inflammations on the vascular walls. Omega 3 fatty acids appear mainly in marine phytoplankton and in sea fish in large quantity. We can see that our organism would need regular fish consumption. Researches show that one should take 1 gram of Omega 3 fatty acid on a daily basis. Experts state that fish is one of the indispensable conditions of a healthy diet, so we should consume fish twice a week. Despite the fact that fish is delicious and healthy, it is not part of our everyday menu. The ideal consumption of oily fish would be more than 15 kg/capita/year, but in Hungary this is hardly 4 kg/capita/year.


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Eszter Ács is supported by the UNKP-18-1 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities.




How to Cite

Ács, E., & Zsótér, B. (2018). The physiological effects of fish consumption: Why should we consume fish on a regular basis?. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 12(2), 45–50.




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