Györgyi Földes. Female Avant-Garde Writers in International and Hungarian Context (book review)

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Erika Kapus

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How to Cite
Kapus, Erika. 2021. “Györgyi Földes. Female Avant-Garde Writers in International and Hungarian Context (book Review)”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 11 (1):97-102.
Author Biography

Erika Kapus, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

KAPUS, ERIKA is a research librarian at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She defended her PhD dissertation, titled Border Identities and Walking the Borderland in the oeuvre Minka Czóbel, in March 2021 in the Doctoral School of Literary Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her research interests include turn-of-the-century women's literature and its publication platforms, primarily Minka Czóbel's oeuvre, her unpublished manuscripts, and female roles, female sexuality, and the voices (and silence!) of the female body at the turn of the century. She worked as a project assistant of Women Writers and their publication forums in Hungary at the turn of the century funded by National Research, Development and Innovation Fund between 2013-2015. As a librarian, her focus is on digital humanities, the construction of electronic archives and repositories.