Az Y és a Z generációval szembeni előítéletek a munkahelyen
At present more and more researches deal with the characteristic features of generation Y and Z. Researches justify that there are significant differences between the two generations despite the similarities. These differences appear rather emphasized in corporate environment when several questions arise at workplaces in the process of cooperation regarding the characteristics of the two generations. Last year the authors carried out a quantitative research in order to reveal what managing of these two generations mean for the managers and also what difficulties occur when the two generations cooperate. The hypothesis conceived which said that the respondents basically had positive opinion about the generations Y and Z and about their workplace performance, could be accepted in the light of the examined sample. Although the research cannot be considered representative, it can give a picture about the examined issues.
Hogyan kell idézni
Bencsik, Andrea, Gabriella Horváth-Csikós, és Tímea Juhász. 2017. „Az Y és a Z generációval Szembeni előítéletek a Munkahelyen”. TAYLOR 9 (2):121-28.
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