A magas szintű teljesítményhez szükséges háttértényezők feltárása hallgatói mintán

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Éva Gergely
Tamás Madarász
Anita Pierog


Those who are able to achieve outstanding performance have outstanding abilities, but the opposite of this does not occur always. Higher education has a highlighted significance in unfolding the talent as well, as disappearance of students of outstanding abilities should not be allowed to happen. This present research focuses on the main characteristics of individuals of outstanding performance among students in higher education, and along these characteristics the students carry out their self-characterization. The criteria of the talent were constructed on the basis of Renzulli’s model. According to this, three components of the talent are examined in a detailed way; these are above average ability, task commitment and creativity. A questionnaire-based survey was utilized where altogether 150 BA students at the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business formed the sample. The students in the sample found good speech skill, understanding of essentials, identifications of problems, primal thinking, endurance and inner motivation as the most important characteristics. In case of every factor they undervalued their own abilities compared to the expected level.

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How to Cite
Gergely, Éva, Tamás Madarász, and Anita Pierog. 2017. “A Magas Szintű teljesítményhez szükséges háttértényezők feltárása hallgatói mintán”. TAYLOR 9 (1):139-45. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13085.