Complex Analysis of Passive Sports Consumption

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Renátó Balogh


One of the main obstacles of the business-based operation of Hungarian football clubs is low consumer interest. Because of this reason the examination of passive sports consumption in Hungarian football is very necessary. In our research, we conducted a complex analysis of passive sports consumption, including both the fans and those absent from the stands. For the latter a scale measuring absence from sport consumption and for the fans a “fan motivation scale” was used. The reliability of the scales was tested by Cronbach's alpha calculation, which resulted in exceeding the expected threshold for most factors. Our research results refute the notion that failure plays a central role in low viewer interest. Our study concludes that socio-cultural factors, such as identifying with and loyal to the team, tend to attract fans, spectators rather than success.


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How to Cite
Balogh, Renátó, and Éva Bácsné Bába. 2020. “Complex Analysis of Passive Sports Consumption”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 15 (1-2):37-52.
Consumer habits and market orientation