A mezőgazdasági tevékenységeink hatása környezetünkre, különös tekintettel talajainkra

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Virág Patócs


The main reason behind these environmental issues are people, therefore only people can solve it. It is not enough if one man or a group of men are taking actions, we all must act in the name of environmental protection. Unfortunately, most of society does not do enough for the environment, or even worse, does not even try to make things better. In many cases people are not even aware o f what negative impact they have on their environment. That is why it is extremely important to raise awareness and promote sustainability.


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How to Cite
Patócs, Virág. 2015. “A mezőgazdasági tevékenységeink hatása környezetünkre, különös Tekintettel Talajainkra”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 10 (1):53-58. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2015.1.53-58.
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