A láncos tárolás helymegtakarításának vizsgálata

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Judit Oláh
Júlia Pauluk


For most manufacturing companies it is important to keep goods in stock, which is why warehouse operation is constantly changing: new, more efficient tools and systems are being introduced to enhance work efficiency. Companies try to improve working conditions, security and the transparency of processes while simplifying tracking stocks. In our study we present the main results of our research topic. Our objective was to investigate space saving using the „chain” storage method at a tyre company in Hungary.
Our first assumption was that this method leads to significant space savings which makes it more effective than other storage methods. We estimated that the company saves at least 15 per cent space by using the new system.
During the primary research we interviewed mostly storekeepers so we could map the warehouse operation processes. In addition, we tabulated and drew conclusions from the available data. The ready-made tables and the data about stocks that we obtained were also an integral part of our research.
Our results confirmed that the „chain” store method is more space-saving. The annual average stock level and the average daily stock level in July 2014 show slightly different average space saving results, but both of them support our first assumption. We could not verify our second assumption since we underestimated the magnitude of the savings, because the „chain” storage the space saving is between 22 and 25 per cent compared to our estimate of 15 per cent.


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How to Cite
Oláh, Judit, and Júlia Pauluk. 2015. “A láncos tárolás helymegtakarításának vizsgálata”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 10 (1):27-33. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2015.1.27-33.
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