Az elektronikus tananyag és keretrendszere
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Several e-leaming materials and their managing framework are available in all levels of education in almost every disciplines. E-leaming means the use of some kind of technical equipment, primarily computers and can be called computer-assisted (CBT), web-based (WBT) or blended learning. Preparing, delivering and using the digitized material requires a computer with multimedia capabilities and in most cases broadband internet access on the side of the developer and the student as well. There is a variety of authoring tools to prepare the e-leaming material: sheet-based, icon-based or timelinebased.
Some of them require basic computer knowledge while others require programming skills too. Content management is provided by DMS, CMS, LCMS, LMS systems with different services. Proven evaluation criteria developed specially in this field and ISO standards help to ensure the quality of the e-leaming material and the managing system as well. To make a good e-leaming curriculum and to operate a learning management system is a resource intensive task and the expected benefits are difficult to measure, but this type of education cannot be ignored in the 21st century; it should be used beside the traditional forms of teaching.