Vállalati felelősség alkalmazottakat célzó belső CSR programok

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Tünde Csapóné Riskó
Eszter Tóth


When discussing corporate responsibility, we have to make a difference between internal and external stakeholders. Our study investigates responsible corporate programmes, initiations focusing on employees as one of the most important group within internal stakeholders. Labour organisation, wages, conditions, participation are important issues through which a company can express appreciation towards its employees. Proper human resource management is an increasingly actual topic even nowadays in the world of modern information technology and social media, since companies with only "shopwindow" CSR programmes can easily lose their trustworthiness. The aim of our investigation is to collect and systematize the most relevant theoretical and practical background, as well as good company practices that can serve as models worth considering and following by large companies and SMEs.


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Csapóné Riskó, Tünde, and Eszter Tóth. 2017. “Vállalati felelősség: Alkalmazottakat célzó Belső CSR Programok”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (4):207-18. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.4.207-218.