The environmental impact of the feral pigeon (Columba Livia f. Domestica) in the historic city centre of Sopron




human-wildlife conflicts, urbanisation, public space cleanliness, monitoring


The presence of different bird species in inhabited areas is becoming increasingly common. The problem with these species is that they are more likely to spread pathogens, contaminate public and private land with their droppings, cause economic damage or even frighten the public. One of the most notable conflict species causing environmental pressures in populated areas is the feral pigeon (Columba livia f. domestica), whose populations are increasing worldwide. Adequate practices and methods are available to reduce the problem. However, their applicability and effectiveness may vary from one locality to another due to the different characteristics of the localities and the different causes of the pigeons' presence. Therefore, it is essential to think in terms of town-specific solutions, the preparation of which requires, among other things, an assessment of the temporal and spatial pattern of occurrence of the species causing the conflict, an understanding of the extent of damage and an overview of the population's level of information. In our study, we investigated the environmental pressures of the feral pigeon in the historical city centre of Sopron, using a combination of the three elements mentioned above. For this purpose, we carried out a monthly visual population assessment combined with a photographic technique at sample points for one year. We conducted a field visit to the area to draw up a damage map of the study area and a spatial localisation of existing control methods. Questionnaire surveys complemented this to assess the public's awareness of the issue. In light of the results, we drew up a map of the pigeon conflict in the city centre of Sopron and identified possible solutions.


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How to Cite

Illés, A., Nagy, E., Nagy, R. R., & Tari, T. (2023). The environmental impact of the feral pigeon (Columba Livia f. Domestica) in the historic city centre of Sopron. Analecta Technica Szegedinensia, 17(4), 69–76.




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