Historical landmarks of the management of major urban logistics projects in Imperial Timisoara
Urban Logistics, Urban Public Management, Holistic Approach, ProjectsAbstract
This article follows an holistic approach to the management of the major urban logistics projects of Imperial Timisoara. The research conducted so far has been based on unilateral treatments: either exclusively historical or engineering. Research of such projects requires multi-scientific and multidisciplinary treatment angles. Our investigative optics is a managerial-holistic one, which integrates, besides the historical, technical / technological aspects, the architectural aspects, along with the multicultural, socio-human, ethnic, anthropological, urban, structural, processual and functional aspects. In this sense, the strategic references of urban essence are related to the potential of Timisoara city to have been able to carry out such projects, in the contexts specific to the different periods of its logistic development. The multitude of researched data sources, information and documents enables us to innovate the approach of major urban logistics projects, using the logic of public management, in a holistic, integrative vision. We are convinced that such research, in such a way, will contribute substantially to a deeper understanding of Timisoara's contribution to his own Europeanization and the region he was part of, the Imperial Historical Banat.
C. Feneșan, Administrație și fiscalitate în Banatul Imperial 1716-1778, Editura de Vest, Timișoara, 1997, pp.19-20
County Department of National Archives (CDNA), Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no.141, document no. 3/1718, tabs 1-2: Report of Timisoara City Magistrate to the Landes Administration regarding the use of fake weights and measures by Serbian merchants and the need to unify weights and measurements.
CDNA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 1/1718, tabs 1-6: Provisions issued by the Imperial Commission for the organization of the city of Timişoara from an administrative, economic, political, religious, and legal point of view.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 6 / 1772- The President of the Count P. Brigodo Administration tells the Serbian Magistrate that Mehala suburb is removed from his administration and moves to one of the newly created perceptions (Rentӓmter). Innovating the structures of local administrative institutions by adding suburban ones.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no.141, document no2 / 1758, tabs 1-2: Copies-Provincial Administration communicates to the Serbian Magistrate the empress's approval regarding the construction of a town hall, the conditions. or CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no 141, document no.2 / 1759, tabs 1-2: The Administration communicates to the Serbian Magistrate the approval of the following points: re-conferring jurisdiction, approving the name Magistrate, building or buying a building for the Magistrate.
Between 1716-1776, during Banat training, it was divided into 13 districts, all of which had the same administrative regulations of operation. (K.Vicze, Az vég Temesvárban…,Marineasa, Timișoara, 2006, pp.202-203)
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 1/1718, tabs 1-6: Provisions issued by the Imperial Commission for the organization of the city of Timişoara from an administrative, economic, political, religious, and legal point of view. Turkish bath transformed into City Hall.)
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 3/1718, tabs 1-2: Report of the Timisoara magistrate to the Landes Administration regarding the use of false loads and measures by Serbian merchants and the necessity of unification of weights and measurements.
Mercy's vision of the future of Timisoara confirms its orientation towards progress, development and well-being, which can be inferred from Griselini's description (1984, p. 128) in which Mercy declares that he wants to achieve results not only to satisfy the public needs but also to create well-being and luxury. In terms of strategic management, we can make an analogy between the ones outlined above as elements of the strategy (mission, vision) with a transformative effect on the city.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 3/1770, file1-8: The list of the orders of the Administration given by the Serbian Magistrate in 1770. In total 210 orders for one year. Another document attesting to the frequency and rigurosity of organization is the German Magistrates' Sessions record (approximately 72 sessions per year) derives continuity and administrative rigor. CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no.4 / 1764, tabs 1-427: Registry of minutes of the meetings of the German Magistrate of Timisoara with the following issues: economic, administrative, judicial, criminal. Dated from the beginning of 1764 to 27 Aug. 1768.
The existence of the document, which includes a situation of the assets and liabilities of the city of Timişoara for 1770 and in 1774 the hydraulic machine, is an important part of the drinking water distribution system. This change is a premiere for the city and has the capacity to serve the entire population. CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 4/1770, tabs 1-28: The active and passive Satan of the privileged royal city of St. Mary 1770-1776.
Á. Jancsó, Istoricul podurilor din Timisoara, Mirton, Timisoara, 2010, pp.24-25.- The existence since 1552 of a long bridge of approx. 948 meters.
Fortress security and public administration control function. CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no 3/1728, tabs 1-2: Nominal specification of the German Jews in Timisoara - a list of Spanish Jews appears in the list. On the reverse, the resolution of the Administration regarding the punishment of arresting offenders who would sneak into the city - The first sentence of punishment.
The reciprocal development of projects and logistical projects also derives from its description (Jancsó, 2001, pp.63-65) regarding the financial contributions of the Tram Company to the creation of the infrastructure needed to carry out its activity. The amount of the contribution of 25% of the costs of 4 bridges.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no.5 / 1755, tabs 1-4: Provisions of the Administration given to the German Magistrate on the price of fuel wood. Price regulation. Forest management elements
F.Griselni, Attempt of Political and Natural History of Banat Timişoara, Ed. Facla, Timisoara, 1984, pp.130-131 -These statements are also confirmed by Griselini describing the process of wood harvesting in forests near Timisoara, claiming that forests could supply wood for factories, construction but also for economic purposes.
The legacy of the construction of this channel was attested by Griselini (1984, p.131), considering the canal as a masterpiece of ancient Rome!
I. Haţegan, M. Pîrşe, Premierele şi proirităţile Timişorene, Volumul 1, 100 de premiere şi priorităţi până la 1900, Banatul şi Artpress, Timişoara, 2009, pp-5-10
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 2/1756, Filings 1-8: Provisions of the Administration to the Magistrate, and a Magistrate's Report on the regulation of food trade made by foreigners on foreign commercial vessels that stop in the so-called "Navigable Mercy Canal."
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document No. 2/1756, tabs 1-8: Administration's provisions to the magistrate and a report of the magistrate on the regulation of food trade made by foreigners on foreign commercial vessels stopping in the so-called "Navigable Canal Mercy ".
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 4/1764, tabs 1-427 Registry of minutes of the sessions of the German Magistrate of the city of Timişoara (Sessiones in Publicis, Politicis et Oeconomicis), containing the following issues: supplying the city with food, links with Arabia, etc.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 13/1768, tabs 1-40 The word CONTROLOR first appears. Registry of minutes of meetings of the German Magistrate of the city of Timisoara (Sessio in publicis et oeconomicis), comprising the following: economic: acquisition and export of gold and silver, import of coffee and sugar surrogates, rents (butchering, wine flow, etc.), craftsmen (reception as craftsmen and citizens, school litigation against lice, litigation, calf litigation, etc.), measures related to the heredity of the monetary subject, etc., introduction of the lottery in Banat.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 22/1895: Acts relating to the construction of the Timisoara-Serbia railway line.
Compared to other cities on same map, for example Cluj-Napoca in 1848, which did not have, at the same time as Timisoara, developed roads to only three cardinal points and significantly less secondary terrestrial roads.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no.10 / 1768, sheets 1-6: receipts for salaries of employees of the Serbian Magistrate; receipts related to paved streets spending in the Fabric Advanced Ward and paid for 10 years.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no.6 / 1890: Hungarian company for asphalting roads.
I. Haţegan, M. Pîrşe, 2009, pp.15-23
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 22/1782 tabs 1-2: Inventory of hydraulic machine requisites with takeover clause from Magistrate
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no 8/1884: Contract between Timisoara City Administration and Abgb-Austrian Brush Electrical Limited Company for the introduction of electric lighting on the streets of the city.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document No 22/1895: Documents relating to the construction of the Timisoara-Szerbia railway line.
CNDA, Fund 2: Town Hall of Timişoara, inventory no. 141, document no. 9/1768, tab 1: Statement of expenditure for repairing the main street of Fabric zone.
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