Határ menti mindennapok Felsőszölnöktől Murakeresztúrig (1948–1953)


Vukman Péter


The escalation of the Soviet–Yugoslav conflict and the tense Hungarian–Yugoslav relationship had a fundamental impact on the lives of those living near the Hungarian–Yugoslav border. The aim of this study is to examine how the conflict affected the daily lives of those living near the border, examining the area from today’s Slovenian–Austrian–Hungarian border triangle to the confluence of the Drava and Mura rivers. The article sheds light on the various forms of border incidents, it shows how the conflict made the daily lives of those living near the border difficult, and it briefly illustrates the spying activities. The conclusions are primarily based on the papers of the National Border Guard Command kept in the National Archives of Hungary.


Hogyan kell idézni
Vukman, Péter. 2024. „Határ Menti Mindennapok Felsőszölnöktől Murakeresztúrig (1948–1953)”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 148 (november):273-90. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/46082.
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