A morvaországi zsidók megtelepedése az újkori Magyarországon
The study discusses the characteristic features of the Moravian Jews’ establishment in Hungary between the 17th‒19th centuries. The research focuses on the aspects and the locations of migration, settlement and the employment structure of migrants. It can be stated that Moravian immigrants arrived from under Hapsburg authority in a state under Hapsburg rule at the beginning of Modern Times. Despite the existing restrictions on Jews, Jewish citizens appeared to have wider rights of migration, settlement and taxation than in their former place of residence, indicating the relations between the Hapsburg Empire and Hungarian orders.
Hogyan kell idézni
Mislovics, Erzsébet. 2022. „A morvaországi zsidók megtelepedése Az újkori Magyarországon”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 147 (2):97-106. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/45664.
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