Patria Onogoria. Észrevételek az onogurok, onogundurok és bulgárok kapcsolatához (Első közlemény)
The paper deals with the localization of Anonymous Cosmographer’s Patria Onogoria. The research, already since a hundred years ago, imagines here the close political-cultural contact among the Magyars and the Turkic speaking Bulgars and Khazars, before the Hungarian Conquest. Richárd Szántó, connecting to the traditional conception of Gyula Németh and Gyula Moravcsik, located Onogoria at the Kuphis/Kuban, identifying it with Kuvrat’s Megale Bulgaria. As I point out, the recent research located Kuvrat’s realm much further west, between the Dnieper and the Don, in the wake of Kuvrat’s grave which was identified in Mala Pereshchepina near Poltava.
Hogyan kell idézni
Juhász, Péter. 2022. „Patria Onogoria. Észrevételek Az Onogurok, Onogundurok és bulgárok kapcsolatához: (Első közlemény)”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 147 (2):53-61.
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