The 38th chapter of the De administrando imperio

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Sándor László Tóth


The study focuses on the origin of the sources of chapter 38 (Turk/Hungarian) of the De administrando imperio (DAI) of Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII. According to the preliminary phrase (“It is worth knowing that” or “That”) and the content of the chapter (Hungarian and Khazar informa-tion), and possible informators, one can count with Hungarian, Khazar or Khazar/Kabar sources. These include the possible report of Nicetas Scleros in 894‒895, the report of cleric Gabriel (chapter 8th) from about 900-s, and the information from the Hungarian embassy of Bulcsu karchas and Termacsu (great grandson of prince Árpád) from 948 (chapter 40th). Besides, the information might come from Khazar sources through Byzan-tine source (the Byzantine embassy of Constantine-Cyrill in 861 to Khazaria) or from the joining Khazar/Kabars (chapter 39th). The author of the paper emphasizes the importance of the embassy of Gabriel and the possiblity of the Kabar source, besides the Hungarian tradition represented by Termacsu and Bulcsu.

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How to Cite
Tóth, Sándor László. 2020. “The 38th Chapter of the De Administrando Imperio”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 145 (December):155-69.