The Cosmography of the Unknown and the Early Hungarian History

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Richárd Szántó


The Unknow Ravennese (Anonymous of Ravenna) wrote the Cosmography around 700. His work con-tains the description of the Earth in five books. The depiction of east Europe is in the fourth book. Anonymous of Ravenna listed the countries (patria) of the Caucasus (Lazia/Lazike, Abasgia/Abkhazia, Absilisa, Zichia) and the names of the cities in this region. The Cosmog-raphy includes the names of the countries (patria) in the northern foreground of the Cauca-sus (Alania, Khazaria, Onogoria). The countries lying in the territory of the Crimea appears in the Cosmography. Bosphorania, Sugdabon, Fanaguron and the country of the Goths (Getho Githorum) were little countries in the Crimea and Kerch Strait. This paper focuses on the description of Onogoria because this region was a dwelling place of the Hungarian tribes in the period of their wandering.

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How to Cite
Szántó, Richárd. 2020. “The Cosmography of the Unknown and the Early Hungarian History”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 145 (December):101-25.