Csehszlovák-magyar kapcsolatok az 1920-as években

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László Gulyás


From the birth of little antante (1920-1921) until the end of it (1938), the relationship of Hungary with Czechoslovakia was the coldest among the three countries of "Little Antante". After the failure of negotiations between Brack and Marienbad in 1921, there was no serious approch between the two countries. Moreover there were sever confrontation on two fields, foreign affairs and economic in 1920s. Our essay we examine features of this period of Czechoslovak-Hungarian foreign affairs.

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How to Cite
Gulyás, László. 2014. “Csehszlovák-Magyar Kapcsolatok Az 1920-As években”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 136 (January):99-106. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10577.