Mindszenty József álláspontja a csehszlovák-magyar lakosságcseréről

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Péter Miklós


József Mindszenty, cardinal, arcbishop of Esztergom, often spoke for human rights, in support for those being persecuted for their religion, mother tongue or nationality. Mindszenty turned to Zoltán Tildy, Prime Minister (on 24th January 1946) and János Gyöngyösi, Foreign Minister (on 22nd July 1946) in letters. He drew politicans' attention to the process of aggressive reslovakization, as well as to the maesures of the Czechoslovakian authorities aiming at restricting free usage of language and practice of religion. In his letters he suggested the Czechoslovakian state - with the support of the Allies - should cede the territories inhabited by Hungarian population to Hungary, at the same time stressing the fact that Czechoslovakia cuold suddenly rid itself of the undesired minority community in this way.

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How to Cite
Miklós, Péter. 2009. “Mindszenty József álláspontja a csehszlovák-Magyar lakosságcseréről”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 129 (January):139-49. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10497.