Péter püspök és rokonsága : (az első Szapolyaiak)
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The study deals with the origin and family relations of Peter, bishop of Bosnia (1356-1376), later Győr (1376-1377) and Veszprém (1377-1378), who played an important role in contemporary Hungarian politics. An obscure tradition - perhaps spreading from the 19th century diocese of Veszprém - suggests that he could be identified as Peter of Siklós, however it seems to be unplausible, and in lack of relevant sources it couldn't have been proved yet. The author in accordance with an unedited charter from 1369 demonstrates the family members of bishop Peter: they were from Szapolya (former Pozsega county), hence the bishop also can be identified as Peter of Szapolya. Experts always were interested in the origins of the Szapolyais, the most powerful aristocratic - later royal - family of late medieval Hungary. Though the family tree of bishop Peter at present cannot be connected to that of the royal family's, however it is an interesting result that one of the Szapolyais - one century before the royal branch had achieved its first baronian dignity - in the 14th century already played a significant role in the country. The study ends with an appendix consisting of the above-mentioned charter and family tree fragment.
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How to Cite
Neumann, Tibor. 2007. “Péter püspök és rokonsága : (az Első Szapolyaiak)”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 127 (January):59-70. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10487.