Közép-Európai Közlemények https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek <p>A Közép-Európai Közlemények a történelemtudomány, a regionális tudomány, a földrajztudomány, illetve a gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok művelőinek folyóirata. Az első évfolyam 2008-ban indult útjára, azóta évente négy alkalommal jelenik meg. A folyóiratba a szerkesztőség kettős lektorálás után fogad be Közép-Európával foglalkozó új kutatási eredményeket bemutató, elsőközléses tanulmányokat magyar és angol nyelven.</p> Egyesület Közép-Európa Kutatására, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Juhász Gyula Pedagógusképző Kar hu-HU Közép-Európai Közlemények 1789-6339 Deák-Sárosi László: A jel újbóli helyreállítása. Film, hagyomány és innováció. https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/46087 <p>ismerteti:<br />Kása Csaba</p> Csaba Kása Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 227 229 Gróf Zichy Béla hitbizományi uradalmának fejlődése (1887-1914) https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/45592 <p>The study deals with the economic development of the entailed manor of Lengyeltóti owned by Count Béla Zichy. According to the current literature entailed estates were running with low efficiency. However, based on my preliminary findings it appears that there were a few innovative entailed large-scale agricultural plants in Somogy County. The main question is whether it was possible to implement modernisation within the legal framework of an entail. I have used archival sources, statistics, press sources, literature and genealogic sources. I have established that the Manor of Lengyeltóti successfully dealt with all the external economic hardships (decrease in crop prices and wine blight). It implemented many innovations and through its initiations it contributed to the national agricultural development. The manor enjoyed successes in the field of intensive livestock farming and growing animal fodder plants and industrial crops. Its significant achievements included converting water-meadows to lands, engaging in railway development and the large-scale peat extraction within the industrial system of the manor. Its initiative participation in the tourism of Lake Balaton still has its effects felt today. This obviously required an owner with broad vision and proper management. Our study shows that not the legal category of the estate (entailed of free) was the decisive factor; in the ages of capitalism an owner of an entail could became a successful agriculture entrepreneur.</p> Zoltán Kaposi Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 9 27 10.14232/kek.2024.1.9-27 A gazdasági átalakulás tapasztalatai Csehországban, Szlovákiában, Lengyelországban és az egykori Német Demokratikus Köztársaságban (1990-2000) https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44922 <p>During the period from 1989 to 1990, economic and political transition in Central and Eastern Europe was accompanied by the general liberalisation and opening up of markets to foreign investors. This process started at the end of the 80s, which coincided with the general crisis of “state socialism” in the region. It is worth mentioning that there were substantial differences in the creation of a free market economy among the Central and Eastern European countries. Whereas Poland applied shock treatment based on the general principles of the Washington Consensus, Czechoslovakia followed a double policy by pursuing the concept of neoliberal economic policy and the road of “gradualism” to avoid the negative impacts of the transformation process such as the emergence of mass unemployment and bankruptcy of state-owned companies. As a result of the Treaty Establishing a Monetary, Economic and Social Union, the German Democratic Republic became an organic part of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990, which required the introduction of liberalisation measures. Although the Central and Eastern European countries followed a different road in the creation of a free enterprise market economy in the 1990s, but by the turn of the millennium due to the privatisation of state-owned assets, privately held companies accounted for 70 per cent of GDP, whilst the share of the state sector was 30 per cent. The objective of the paper is to highlight the experiences of economic transition in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) by comparing its main characteristics and stages. Besides macroeconomic stabilisation, emphasis will be placed on evaluating the achievements of privatisation and its main consequences. Due to length constraints, the essay will not focus on the social impacts of the transformation process in Central and Eastern Europe.</p> Endre Domonkos Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 29 43 10.14232/kek.2024.1.29-43 A balatoni turizmus változásai az elmúlt három évtizedben https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/45580 <p>Lake Balaton is the largest lake in Central Europe, with a length of 77 km and an average width of 7.7 km. After Budapest, it is the second most popular tourist destination in Hungary, with a particular increase in visitors during the summer months. The development of tourism at Lake Balaton began in the 1880s, when a few landlords recognised the economic and cultural importance of tourism and started to develop infrastructure. This development process has been interrupted to a certain extent, but is still continuing today. Over 140 years, a number of mediumsized towns have grown up from the small villages of the past. Today’s Balaton Region includes 177 settlements, 44 of which are located directly on the shore. Lake Balaton is also a symbol. In some periods it has become a distinctive centre of Hungarian human culture, with high-quality works by painters, writers and poets associated with the lake and the landscape around it. However, the Balaton Region has changed a lot since the end of socialism. The emergence of a market economy, rising incomes, the emergence of private and foreign capital and the use of EU funds have brought huge changes to the life of the region. Today, Lake Balaton is still an attractive destination for the domestic holidaymaking masses. Therefore, it is worth examining the changes that have taken place in the Balaton Region in the almost 30 years since the political regime change, how the former culture of mass tourism has been transformed, and what opportunities and at the same time what difficulties this region has. My intention is to show what measures have been taken to improve and develop the natural and built environment of the destination since the regime change. Furthermore, I would like to give an overall picture of the changes in the population and tourism demand in the area.</p> Réka Wilhelm Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 45 65 10.14232/kek.2024.1.45-65 Jól jártak-e a magyarországi svábok 1944 tavaszán a német megszállással? https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44956 <p>Concentrating on the years of the Second World War, the study examines the efficacy of the lobbying efforts of the Volksbund, the ethnic advocacy group of the Germans of Hungary under the thumb of Berlin. The study ultimately comes to the conclusion that the Volksbund was a failure in terms of serving the self-defense exigencies of the German minority. On the one hand, the energetic resistance of the governments in Budapest overcame the Nazi-spirited solidarity of the whole of the Germans of Hungary. On the other hand, the Third Reich exploited their economic resources and blood sacrifices with ruthless precision. Berlin and Budapest’s mutually reinforcing resistance defeated both minority advocacy and the aspiration for emancipation, which emboldened the greatest number of ethnic Germans. As soon as Hungary’s martial willingness wavered, Berlin intervened, although neither the German occupation in March 1944 nor the Arrow Cross Party’s seizure of power in October intended to avail the Volksbund. After the work of the sovereign Hungarian government was curtailed, the Hungary-based German advocacy group was proscribed only servile tasks. Never having been in position to take an autonomous decision with regard to the German minority issue, Ferenc Antal Basch, the chairman of the Volksbund, fled to Austrian territory in March 1945.</p> László Orosz Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 155 169 10.14232/kek.2024.1.155-169 Politikai viták a Muraköz és a Muravidék visszacsatolásáról https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44946 <p>During the German attack on April 6, 1941, Yugoslavia fell apart. The independent Croatian state was established. Hungarian forces occupied the territories annexed during the Trianon Peace Treaty of 1920 and introduced military administration in the Muravidék. However, the Croatian administration continued to operate in Muraköz, which has a largely Croatian population. The Budapest government would have handed over control of Muraköz to the Croats. In return, he asked for the recognition of Hungarian sovereignty, as well as Adriatic port and railway rights in Croatia. However, the Croatian government considered Muraköz as its own territory and did not want to give compensation for it. In the meantime, in Hungary, especially in Zala county, a broad social movement was started for the return of these areas. Abbot Joseph Pehm was at the head of the movement. He urged the introduction of military administration in the Muraköz, and then the transition to civilian administration. The government finally took these steps during the summer, and then in December the reintegration of the entire Délvidék was signed into law.</p> Lajos Olasz Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 169 190 10.14232/kek.2024.1.169-190 A magyar-román-szlovák-ukrán határmenti kapcsolatok az Európai Unió határtérségeinek fényében https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/45641 <p>The development of border regions has been an integral part of EU regional policy for decades. Border regions, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, are typically peripheral areas with poor demographic and economic conditions, and one of the ways out of this situation could be to take advantage of cross-border cooperation. One of the first frameworks for this was the creation of Euroregions and, since the 1990s, the Interreg programmes, which offer opportunities for cooperation between border regions at three levels. In addition to the EU framework, Hungarian strategic documents also deal with border regions, and their analysis is also important for the formulation of long-term objectives. Overall, although Interreg projects are trying to respond to the problems of border regions, it may be important in the future to deepen partnerships and better involve partners.</p> Anna Horváth Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 67 84 10.14232/kek.2024.1.67-84 Értékteremtés a közlekedésben a határmenti közlekedési közszolgáltatások fejlesztésével https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44788 <p>The territories and borders of the countries in Europe changed a lot during the last century, which had a positive effect on some states and a negative effect on others, but in all cases it can be said that it led to a reorganization of territorial processes. In addition to Hungary’s territorial loss, it does not have a border region where the new state border would not have split a naturally formed region in two. Borders, among other things, by eliminating transport options, turned the border areas into „backwaters”, which led to their devaluation. The aim of the research is to prove that the specific aspect of value creation is the creation of cross-border transport, within this, the realization of transport accessible to everyone by creating the availability of public transport services. The purpose of cross-border transport is to improve the situation of two peripheral areas that exist side by side, but are incapable of lasting cooperation with each other due to the lack of transport connections. The first stage of connections is the existence of the infrastructure, on which certain activities can be carried out, such as individual modes of transport, organized group transport and goods transport. However, the existence of public transport or public transport services occupies a special place in the formation of regions. During the research, in addition to the state of the infrastructure, different public transport services were mapped and compared, and the value-creating power of public transport services was verified by comparing social and economic phenomena.</p> Kata Feketéné Benkó Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 85 104 10.14232/kek.2024.1.85-104 Changes in the self-determination and cultural and social life of the Croatian, Slovenian and Serbian nationalities in Hungary until 2019 in the light of the legislative changes https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/46089 <p>The aim of the study is to show how the socio-economic conditions of the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs have evolved over the last thirty years. In the thirty-year period after the regime change, the system of relations of self-determination of nationalities has undergone continuous change and development. The study also deals in depth with the nationality policy of state-socialist Hungary. Without this background, it would not be possible to evaluate the first thirty years correctly. The self-organization and cultural life of the nationalities under study is significantly influenced by the fact that the majority of them live in rural areas in underdeveloped regions of the country. The cultural elite of each nationality was late in coming into being or had to completely reorganise itself after state socialism. In this study, I focus primarily on legislative changes and local elections. I also present the specificities of national cultural civil society organisations.</p> Lóránt Bali Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 105 116 10.14232/kek.2024.1.105-116 A Bartha József vezette üzleti körök szerepe a magyar kereskedelmi tengerészet történetében (1929–1949). https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44915 <p>The golden age of the development of the Hungarian merchant marine was interrupted by the Trianon peace decree that ended the First World War. In landlocked Hungary, many former sailors and ship owners were left without livelihood and property due to the merchant fleet taken away due to war reparations. Jenő Polnay first tried to solve the crisis that arose, but his activities between 1921 and 1929 were unsuccessful. In 1929, however, a new organizer appeared on the scene: József Bartha, a Hungarian shipowner from Trieste, who, through his extensive business connections could take an advantage of the discounts provided by the Hungarian state, founded a number of shipping companies in the 1930s. In our study, we present how József Bartha was able to unite groups of international ship owners, Hungarian sailors, professionals and investors in a wide variety of relationships, and how he brought the Pannónia Hungarian Shipping Co., the Hungarian Overseas Shipping Company, the Hungarian Orient-Line Shipping Company, and the Merchant Shipping Company. Our research is the first to write the history of these companies, using the wide range of Hungarian archives, relevant literature, daily press materials and statistical sources.</p> Márton Pelles Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 117 136 10.14232/kek.2024.1.117-136 A budapesti zsidó lakosság gazdasági szerepe 1873–1918 között https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/44942 <p>The Hungarian capital, established in 1873, began to develop rapidly almost immediately. The XX. by the beginning of the century, Budapest had developed into a real world city. The citizens of the big city participated in this development in various ways. Not only Hungarians, but also many other nationalities settled in Budapest. Among these nationalities, I analyze the Jews. First, I will introduce their first residence, the Orczy House. At that time, they could not live within the city walls. In the second chapter, I briefly analyze the Jewish population of Terézváros, Erzsébetváros and Józsefváros. Then I turn to the analysis of the Jewish population of Budapest according to income and professions, starting from the top layer and moving downwards. In my study, I explain that they were most present in trade, banking and in the entrepreneurial sector in general. They were also attracted to independent intellectual careers. In Budapest, neologism and orthodox tendencies were present, whose, mentality, customs and attitude towards the majority society differed somewhat.</p> József Leba Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 137 154 10.14232/kek.2024.1.137-154 Vezérfonal a szintézisíráshoz 4. A Rákosi-diktatúra kora, 1948-1956. https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/46091 <p>In a previous study – Thoughts on the national-civil-conservative synthesis of „short Hungarian 20th century” history – that laid the foundation for writing synthesis – we designated the era boundaries of the Rákosi dict(atorship as follows: the starting point is June 12, 1948, the day when the Hungarian Workers’ Party (MDP) was created from the „merger” of the MKP and the SZDP. While the end point was July 18, 1956, the day when Rákosi relieved of his position as first secretary of the MDP and traveled to the Soviet Union, from where he could never return to Hungary. In this study, we present the important events that took place between these points. With this, we ourline the short history of the Rákosi dictatorship.</p> László Gulyás Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 191 214 10.14232/kek.2024.1.191-214 Historiográfia a szintézisíráshoz 4. https://analecta.hu/index.php/vikekkek/article/view/46092 <p>Mátyás Rákosi was already a member of the narrow circle of most important politicians between 1945 and 1948. But his name primaraly symbolizes the period between 1948 and 1956. That is why we call dictatorship. In the present historiographical study the writings related three broad catagories: 1. books about him 2. His memoir 3. his species, articled, books.</p> László Gulyás Copyright (c) 2024 Közép-Európai Közlemények 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 17 1 215 226 10.14232/kek.2024.1.215-226