A szervezeti változások és a szervezeti kultúra kapcsolata egy halmozottan hátrányos térség pedagógusainak attitűd vizsgálata alapján = Interactions between organisational reforms and organisational culture in an attitude research among pedagogues in a multiply disadvantaged are
Many sort of data show the multiply underprivileged status of Northeastern Hungary but among the subjective factors the relation between institutional reforms in and the reaction of the employees received less attention. Professionals working in the peripheria are also subject of the compulsory professional development and incentives in the model career path for pedagogues. Organisational structure, staffing and supply as well as regional structure often put heavy burdens on how pedagogues can adapt. In small-town or village environment where only part of the school remained the number of both children and teachers shrank the conditions of everyday work changed dramatically. The article explores through a poll conducted among participants of a postgraduate professional leadership course the effects of thre institutional changes with an emphasis on institutional culture and attitudes. Did the institutional changes alter personal attitudes? How do they practice their profession in this new environment? Did new tasks or challenges emerge? How content are they with their workplace? We seek the answers for these questions.
Hogyan kell idézni
Láczay, Magdolna. 2018. „A Szervezeti változások és a Szervezeti Kultúra Kapcsolata Egy Halmozottan hátrányos térség pedagógusainak attitűd vizsgálata alapján = Interactions Between Organisational Reforms and Organisational Culture in an Attitude Research Among Pedagogues in a Multiply Disadvantaged Are”. TAYLOR 10 (1):149-59. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13156.
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