Az anyasági támogatások hatása a nők munkaerőkínálatára a Dél-Dunántúlon = The effects of maternity transfers on the women's labour supply in South Transdanubia


Rita Koroseczné Pavlin
Diána Koponicsné Györke


Over the past half-decade radical changes have taken place in Hungary in the reproductive related aid, which is aimed to enhance the willingness of having a child. The obvious reason is that in our country, as in most of the developed Western societies, the birth rate decline is a growing problem. On the other hand there is a pursuit of raising the employment rate of women and the re-employment of women with children is a goal as well as soon as possible. Our study analyses the effects of the last years’ public transfers on the labour market activity of women. Based on model calculations we demonstrate that the examined measures have sometimes undesirable effects for women willingness to work. With primer statistical data we analysed how the government's expectations were fulfilled in the SouthDanubian region.


Hogyan kell idézni
Koroseczné Pavlin, Rita, és Diána Koponicsné Györke. 2017. „Az anyasági támogatások hatása a nők munkaerőkínálatára a Dél-Dunántúlon = The Effects of Maternity Transfers on the women’s Labour Supply in South Transdanubia”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):126-33.