Hallgatói motivációk vizsgálata egyetemi környezetben = Research on student motivation in higher educational setting
Although higher education is not a compulsory schooling of minors, but a form of educating
young adults, it is important for them to have an external compulsion to learn, in
addition to their intrinsic motivation. The aim of present research is to investigate and analyse how the students' motivations have changed over the years, and how the alteration of external motivation have influenced the academic results. The analysis also addresses the awareness of students, and how this change has affected it. The research on the internal and external motivation of hundreds of students from previous years enables me to draw conclusions on the affectivity and efficiency of the present higher educational practice.
young adults, it is important for them to have an external compulsion to learn, in
addition to their intrinsic motivation. The aim of present research is to investigate and analyse how the students' motivations have changed over the years, and how the alteration of external motivation have influenced the academic results. The analysis also addresses the awareness of students, and how this change has affected it. The research on the internal and external motivation of hundreds of students from previous years enables me to draw conclusions on the affectivity and efficiency of the present higher educational practice.
Hogyan kell idézni
Szikora, Péter. 2017. „Hallgatói motivációk vizsgálata Egyetemi környezetben = Research on Student Motivation in Higher Educational Setting”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):84-89. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13128.
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