A tehetségmenedzsment rendszerek kialakulásának története = The history of talent management systems


Mária Héder


In a life of a company the most important to have the necessary human recources for
achiving optimal results and a continuous success. The main task to members of HR in a
company to find, get, keep and bring out the best from the workers of the firm. This mission
is not so simply, moreover it is gettig harder and harder because of the actual position
of labor market. It is difficult to be conspcicuous between other companies and it is more
difficult to keep the loyality of workers. It can be solution to think over the old human
resource management functions and use them more then before. One of the hardest dilemma
for experts is to find the way to merge people with different habits at work. Talent
management is a quite young HR function, what can integrate both generation X and Z, so it can be a special tool for HR professionals to build a loyal and organic team for companies. All in all, the purpose of the article is to find out what talent management is about, how it become so overall and central and how it was improved. Another aim is to analise the importance of this function between other HR functions and try to demonstrate an actual state, both in Hungary and international destination connecting to talent.


Hogyan kell idézni
Héder, Mária. 2017. „A tehetségmenedzsment Rendszerek kialakulásának története = The History of Talent Management Systems”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):67-76. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13126.