A szervezeti kultúra és a tanulmányi teljesítmény összefüggéseinek empirikus vizsgálata a Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológiai Karán = Empirical analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and academic performance at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Science and Technology


András István Kun
Vivien Molnár
Mária Ujhelyi


The current paper examines two main research questions. First, how strongly are the
characteristics of a higher education institution’s organizational culture and the academic
performance of its students related? Second, how strong is the connection between the
student’s academic performance and their perceived cultural fitness? The analysis is building
on a previous study (Hanesz, Kun and Ujhelyi, 2016), and using data from the survey
conducted at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Science and Technology. The cultural diagnosis tool was the OCAI. However, an extended set of variables is in focus this time. Analysing the data with simple statistical methods we have found that the self-reported grade-performance of the students is higher if the perceived culture is more clan-like or adhocracy-like and less market-like. Results also supported that those who are more culturally
fit are tend to be those who perform better in their studies.


Hogyan kell idézni
Kun, András István, Vivien Molnár, és Mária Ujhelyi. 2017. „A Szervezeti Kultúra és a tanulmányi teljesítmény összefüggéseinek Empirikus vizsgálata a Debreceni Egyetem Természettudományi és Technológiai Karán = Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Academic Performance at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Science and Technology”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):43-50. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13123.