A személyes tanulási szerződés alkalmazása az egyetemi oktatásban - esettanulmány
Robinson and Aronica in their book of Creative Schools (2016) define two important roles of education: helping youth to discover the world and help to discover their own talent. To give an answer to the later role, how to learn their own talent, the hypothesis of the authors is that more space is needed for students to realize themselves, their own strength. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the importance of pull type of learning in higher education through the introduction of a Finnish education model called Tiimiakatemia, and by evaluating personal learning contract, a tool used along the model. The efficiency of personal learning contract is examined by primary research. A questioner was carried out to examine if students and team coaches would offer the application of personal learning contract in higher education. The answers of the students and the coaches show that personal learning contract is a helpful tool to discover their own talent, to increase the confidence of students and among other aspects to give space for reflection.
Hogyan kell idézni
Katonáné Kovács, Judit, Georgina Árváné Ványi, Péter Popovics, és Tímea Gál. 2017. „A személyes tanulási szerződés alkalmazása Az Egyetemi oktatásban - esettanulmány”. TAYLOR 9 (1):155-62. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13087.
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