A foglalkoztatás regionális kérdései a tudás-intenzív üzleti szolgáltatásokat nyújtó ágazatokban a Kárpát-medencei országok összevetésében


Domicián Máté
Veronika Fenyves


For a long time, employment researches of regional innovation have basically concentrated on manufacturing industries – in particular on high-tech branches –, while the service sectors performance were considered in detail. However, over the last decades, both scientists and policymakers were more interested in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). This paper also relies on the empirical investigation of labour performance in several Carpathian countries. In the context of spatial patterns and gender gap, the regional employment growth dynamics are also examined in KIBS branches. The results of our analyses show that KIBS employment is particularly higher in central and northern Europe, the female employment shares are also higher than in most of the examined countries, and the knowledge-intensive services regionally are mainly concentrated in Hungary in Közép-Magyarország. Hence, these conclusions can also highlight that some reforms are needed to change the current policy implications.


Hogyan kell idézni
Máté, Domicián, és Veronika Fenyves. 2016. „A foglalkoztatás regionális kérdései a tudás-intenzív üzleti szolgáltatásokat Nyújtó ágazatokban a Kárpát-Medencei országok összevetésében”. TAYLOR 8 (5):5-12. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13051.
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